Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday's thoughts

"The Importance of Think Thank"

There comes a time in life when we take stock of what we are and what we have. We know there are disappointments. We understand there are things that try our souls. There certainly are down times.

Our friends disappoint us from time to time. We have high hopes for our lives and our dreams do not develop the way we expected. Sometimes seasons of the year do not live up to our expectations.

All that is true and we know it. However, we can confront our disappointment with gratitude. There comes a time when our first impulse and our final word at the beginning of each day is "Thank you".

We are thankful for the air we breath.
We are thankful for friends who believe in us.
We are thankful for the memories that nourish us when we get discouraged.
We are thankful for opportunities that we've had even when things didn't happen the way we wished.

"Think Thank" isn't an imperative; it's a way of life.

This week we will think thanks about the people who have worked to make this church what it has become.

For what are you thankful? What should I be looking for for the sermon?

I'd like to hear from you. Write me at If you are willing to have others read you thoughts click on the box below.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Charles Schuster

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sad and Hard day

In my many years of church camp we always called Wednesday "hump" day because it meant that we were getting over the middle of the week. Well, today has been thump day. The General Conference has said they are not willing to name a middle ground of " ageeing to disagree." Rather the General Conference has once again said that some are in Christ and others are not.

Our delegation has held firm and worked hard. But the vote difference of only 100 people out of 1,000 defeated language that was inclusive and chose language that is exclusive.

I will go to bed tonight wondering why I am a United Methodist, but remembering that I will go home to a church and and a conference that remind me why I stay and continue to have hope, even though hope is a very seductive word.

Tired and looking for friends,

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What Day Is It?

Well, I somehow managed to miss a day. There are so many things to be hopefull about. There are also many things to prompt me to hang my head. But all in all, I still find myself wanting to receive the word offered in our theme........"hope!"

You are getting all the details in the news and the great reports from our conference delegates. So in this space I would simply convey the strange mood and energy that surrounds all of the interface between different groups and theological perspectives that are alive and well. It's a little sad really, that we are so different................yearning, I wonder for respect of the other.

Reminds me of a button a friend brought me from last summer's RMN Convocation.......a picture of a traditional Wesley with the words: "Dude, where's my church!"

Slowly, I think we're begining to remember where and what the church is.

Many of us are staying at the Hilton, just across the street from the convention center. That's wonderful! But the strange part is that most of the Good News leadership is in the same hotel, and the free breakfast they offer "anyone" is there as well. They absolutely do not like us when they see where we are from. Engage them in conversation as much as possible, and still eyes are turned away and voices are silence. We've come so far, we have so far to go.

Let us all be well.

Carolyn Waters